Saturday, 28 May 2011

Not a scale model of the Somme.......honest!

There are few things more depressing to the avid gardener than watching their garden disappear before their very eyes but that has been my experience since I adopted some chickens last summer.  In July last year, it looked like this:

By February 2011 it looked like this:

On the upside, everyone loves a clean palette, so I'm not going to cry about the many plants that lost their fight for survival against both the chickens and the snow, I'm going to rebuild it.  I have the technology...and this year it will be bigger, faster, stronger and will make a funny noise. 

So here is the Plan (yes, I have a plan on this blog too but it isn't as cunning as the other one!) Buy a polytunnel, plant loads of seeds, have enough to rebuild the garden and some left over to stock the chunk of allotment I share.  Then everyone will be happy, me, the chooks and the buns.

And how far have I got?

Well, quite far actually, so next time I will be mostly talking about polytunnels.

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